This item set consists of 10 ledgers containing lists of members of the New York Turn Verein from 1850 to 1911. Lists are in chronological and alphabetical order and include data such as name, date of admission, place of birth, date of immigration, reference to the Turn Verein, citizenship, marriage status, and comments.
This item set consists of 40 ledgers containing lists of members and dues in chronological and alphabetical order. The membership dues are divided into two groups, the Men’s Section and the Ladies’ Section.
This item set contains 26 ledgers pertaining to general membership practices of the New York Turn Verein: meeting minutes, correspondence, membership applications, Turner Passes, and track and field athletics. Within these groups the archival material is mostly arranged in chronological order.
This item set contains 22 ledgers in which the minutes of different leadership committees and sections within the N.Y.T.V. were recorded. These committees included the board of directors, the board of trustees, the ‘Kleiner Rath’ [small council], the newsletter committee, the house committee, and the court of arbitration.
This item set contains 10 ledgers in which the minutes, records of classes and dues, and income and expenses of the N.Y.T.V.'s German school were recorded.
The 7 ledgers of this item set comprise the minutes and the bookkeeping of the Entertainment Committee and the Dramatic Section, as well as a program from a 1930 event hosted by the N.Y.T.V.
This collection of periodicals contains an issue of the Turn-Zeitung : Organ des socialistischen Turnerbundes (1853-1854), newspaper clipping files (1893-1943), issues of the Bahn frei! newsletter (1884-1903; 1909-1910; 1911-1917; 1951-1953; 1959-1965; 1971-1976), several issues of the American Turner Topics (1958-1991) and some magazines for anniversaries of the N.Y.T.V. (1910-2005).
This collection contains 2 books of photographic portraits of Turners, divided by gender. The time period associated with these portraits is not known exactly.
The 4 ledgers of this item set comprise the membership lists, dues, and bulletins of Mount Vernon Turn Verein prior to the organization's incorporation into the N.Y.T.V. Mount Vernon Turn Verein and the N.Y.T.V. merged in 1983, at which point the combined organization became known as American Turners New York.
This collection is comprised of various miscellaneous documents, including the ledgers' 2008 finding guide, Civil War records, letter papers, certificates, and other documents. The floor plan of the old Turner building in Manhattan was originally included in this collection; see the N.Y.T.V. finding aid for more information.
This item set contains 37 ledgers in which N.Y.T.V. financial secretaries recorded financial reports on the organization's income, expenses, stocks, and disbursements. It is cataloged in chronological order.